
Handling My Biz| Networking


And it's just that. It's easier said than done. 

In late July, I had lunch with a mentor and I was speaking with her as to how to attract business. She's a local restaurant owner and her eatery is one of the best known around town.  So, I know that whatever she had to say was worth listening to. She made some suggestions as to a few businesses that I should approach to make my services available and a willingness to work for free at first. 

So, I took her words of advice and made a nice sizable list of whom I should I approach. And thus far, I've had done makeup for the models at the my local bridal show, which I'm hopping willing drum up some business and I've booked some work with a local magazine.

Not bad, huh? =)

And I can only go up from here. 

Making the first few calls and sending out e-mails had me scared but I soon realized that people are open to working with me. And the fear was all in my head. Besides, the worst thing they can tell me is no. And so far, I haven't heard that. =)

So, I've still got  my the rest of my list to work through and I'm looking forward to what comes of it.

Much Love & Many Blessings
B. Pierre

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