Hope everyone's Valentine's Day was a great one. As for me I took it upon myself to get done up and go ab out my day. =)

Image via Wikipedia
Well, this past week, I took it upon myself to try a new primer. As much as I love Urban Decay Shadow Primer, I'm always up for trying something different and see what's less expensive. While at Sally's I came across this:
It peaked my interest and took a chance on it. For less than $4.77 ( with tax) it was worth a try.
On the box, it promises to "create a perfect base for eyeshadow," and "increase wear and prevents color fade."
When I first opened it, I liked the fact that the 0.39 oz of product was in a squeeze tube. It lends itself to allowing the product to be easily accessible.
I also liked the sponge-tip applicator. It minimizes being abrasive on the eye if you decide to use the applicator to swipe across your eyelid.
And it wasn't a hassle when I was squeezing it out of the tube.
I tried it on my hand. You can see here that it leaves a cast on my skin. The box claims it'd be acceptable to be worn alone for a perfect natural look but clearly, that's more in reference to lighter skin females. When I smoothed it on, the texture felt quite velvety. A little too velvety for my taste. Comparing it to Urban Decay Primer Potion, which is tacky, this one felt soft and really smooth.
In order for the eyeshadow to stick, instantly I thought this formula wouldn't be conducive to long-wear since it had no "stick" factor. So I was a bit concerned as to how effective it would be in doing its job.
I tried it over a period two days in the the typical fashion that I use primers. When applying it across my lid, I ran into no problems. And I followed to color it with my NYX jumbo pencil color for whatever look I was going for.
First Use
Sunday, I went through a range of temperatures, freezing cold in the morning, to some heat at church. So it had been about seven hours past when I checked my eye make-up. It had creased on my. Now, mind you I had some makeup meltdown on other parts of my face, so I still hadn't considered it a complete fail.
Second Use
Yesterday, I wore it and the temperature was perfect. I wore it approximately 14 hours and it didn't budge! The same way I left that morning was how it stayed later on that night. So I was more than pleased with the outcome.
KissyFace Approved? Yes!
Now I will say that it's best in fair weather. It's a good alternate to the UDPP in my opinion. But I know when it comes to an extremely hot day, this wouldn't be my go-to pick. But because of the price point, its squeeze application and it's general effectiveness, it's worth purchasing.
So, if you ever get a chance to swing my Sally's Beauty Supply, this is something definitely worth trying.
Much Love & Many Blessings,
B. Pierre
FTC Disclosure: This was purchased with my own funds. It was not given to
me for consideration by the manufacture