
Skill Building: An Introductory Post

beauty ~ only skin deep?Image by sunshinecity via Flickr

Just had to share really quickly an idea that I'm planning on doing on the blog. As an aspiring makeup artist, I feel criticism is what's necessary for me to enhance my craft overall. So to keep myself motivated and practicing on a consistent basis, I'm going to start a Skill Building Series.

This is where once a week I'll focus on executing a look or focus on certain skills of interest. For the next few weeks I'm going to focus exclusively on the face.

But before we get into the make-up, what's most important to have is great skin.

Aside from a balanced diet (still a work in progress), I turn to vitamins, drinking lots of water and skincare products to keep my skin in tip-top shape. My greatest advertisement for my fledgling business is my very own skin so it always has to be in great condition.

So next week I'll be sharing my skin care regime.

I'm looking for open and honest feedback. There won't be any hurt feelings, seriously because I'm really here to learn, so share your thoughts.

XOXO & many blessings,
B. Pierre

P.S I look forward to seeing what you have to say and it's been confirmed, the photoshoot is set for Monday. :-)

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