Witness my trials and tribulations of becoming a make-up artist, sharing what I learn/experience and see how I am building KissyFace Artistry.
Handling my Biz: Making it Legit
But a good entrepreneur knows his/her limitations and takes the initiative to locate the best resources to get things done the right way, which I'm trying to do at the moment. Going freelance is more than just make-up, there's a business component to it as well.
With the various tags of inc., llc, co. and etc. I don't know where to start and where I'm headed in the market. But thankfully I have a local small business development center to turn to. From my research it's a great place to learn how to start a business. Once a month they hold a three-hour seminar that speak on the seven basic requirements for a business start-up.
According to the site those include:
-Selecting an Idea
-Testing the Market
-Acquiring Capital
-Writing a Plan
-Turning for Help
-Understanding Legal Requirements
-Putting it All Together
Aside from the seminar, they have one-one-counselors available for personal help and other valuable resources. It's been quite helpful for people that I've talked to so I know that it'll be a valuable experience. So that'll definitely be an addition to my summer list of to-do's.
Even though my blog will heavily be based on my make-up trials and tribulations, I want to dedicate one weekly post to the business side of it all because I think that it's so important. So whatever I learn, I'll be sure to share.
So, enough of me blabbing, go ahead and enjoy your weekend. As for me my weekend is kick starting with doing make-up for a client tonight and a fancy girls night out tomorrow. Hopefully I'll be able to post the photos's for both my Clientele Highlight and Look of the Week next week. I still have other pics from other photoshoots that I need to post, so we'll see how that pans out.
XOXO & many blessings,
B. Pierre
P.S.The position that I'd mentioned earlier in the week is officially mine. I start Monday. Shoot, after three interviews, they had better hired me. lol
Kit Building 101: Kit Tested, KissyFace Artistry Approved
With the New MAC Style Warriors collection that recently came out I was really interested in their Lustre Drops. But after getting a tip from Reflections of Beauty that there was a dupe available, instead of dishing out $18.50, I paid less then $9.00 at Wal-mart (I can't recall the exact retail price, sorry.) for the comparable.

need of a new camera esp. with all the make-up pics
I've been taking as of late.
The picture doesn't do the outcome justice at all. The glow that it created was amazing! I spent a little too much time angling my face to the light watching how it would catch the sunlight from my window. lol
KissyFace Approved?: Definitely. But it only comes in one color. MAC has three options. I plan on purchasing Pink Rebel from MAC just to add variety to my kit.
Tip: You have to be very careful when mixing it in with your moisturizer or foundation that it doesn't over power your look. Incorrect proportions can have you looking like an over-bronzed dame, unless that's the look you're trying to achieve.
My application wasn't done with my handy fingers like usual but with a new brush I picked up. Personally, I am not a fan of the traditional foundation brush and have been on the hunt for a better alternative. And this past weekend I found it. Initially, I purchased a $34 Air Brush from Sephora. I must admit that it was uber-soft but I never got to use it, with good reason.

But no regrets, I was pretty impressed with the alternative.

So now I'm slowly but surely crossing things of off the get-these-things-for-my-kit list. Thus far my additions have been bargain finds but I don't necessarily think an item has to be expensive to get the job done. Great quality can definitely be found at affordable prices. Tomorrow I'm getting a package in from E.l.f. Cosmetics. I'll be sharing the details for it next week. It's just more items for my kit :-)
Have a great Thursday all! As for me I'll be attached to the library doing some much needed studying.
XOXO & many blessings,
B. Pierre
P.S. And a little fun fact about me is that I love painting my nails. Whenever I look down at my nails after a polish change or design upgrade it just brings a smile to my face. I did this on Memorial Day. I've been antsy to do polka-dotted nails for a while and I finally did. And the little black dot is a pen mark. I was being impatient and wanted to test if it was dry but didn't bother fixing it. Aside from that, they came out pretty nice, right?

Expanding My Horizons: Events/Conferences Galore!
As great as it would have been to attend, the pockets were giving me the side eye and saying, "hex nawl. Don't you dare" lol. But nonetheless after reading countless other blogs and watching numerous Youtube videos, it was like I was there, not missing a beat. But as soon as that were over, a slew of other opportunities have popped up.
After getting a Tweet from ClumpsofMascara, I was informed of a local event in Orlando, Premiere Orlando International Beauty Event. But it's just around the corner and right before a major exam (darn it!). So that's crossed of the list.
But after doing a little more digging, I found a few more events. I may not be able to attend but I felt the need to share. You never know, you maybe can attend or probably share it with others.
After getting another Tweet Update from ScandalousBeauty, I learned about IMATS (International Make-up Artist Trade Show). The event is open to the public and is a location for make-up artists, vendors, manufacturers and enthusiasts to discuss, display, discover and collect on everything make-up. But thats around the corner as well, slated for June 20-21. So that's scratched off the list too (or maybe not, lol).
And another one that I had to sadly cross of the list of opportunities was BlogHer Conferences set for July 23-25 (Actually, I'm still debating). It's hosted in Chicago and from what I've read it's a weekend filled with more of the business side of blogging, which may play a great role with what I'm specifically trying to persue. It seems to be loaded with speakers on a range of topics and another opportunity to network.
I just want to know where was I when all the planning was going on? Can a girl get a heads up on these awesome events please? lol
But no worries, after a little more research, I finally found one that's a little further along in the year, which gives me plenty more time to plan and prepare for properly.
And that is::drumroll please::—Blogalicious Weekend.
It's only one state away and I sure do love a good road trip. And after visiting the site to get some information on what they have to offer, it seems like a great atmosphere to meet some other bloggers. It's described as a weekend getaway for women of color to get together that combines all the things women love about blogging with the added element of face-to-face interactions. But that's not what really sold me on the event. It was the itinerary for the weekend and the keynote speakers.
I may be new to beauty blogging but I really want to soak up all that I can from all perspectives.
All I know is that the pockets are going to have to get a little fatter in order to officially add these to my agenda, but best believe I'm working on that.
And speaking of fatter pockets, I have a third interview for the same retail position I mentioned on Monday. I really hope I get this job because I've never experienced a three-interview process.
Well on that note, I'll bid adieu!
XOXO and many blessings,
B. Pierre
P.S. If you're aware of any events later on in the year, I'd definitely love to learn more about them. Thanks in advance!
Kit Building 101: The Necessities
Well, yesterday really wasn't all too relaxing as planned, but don't worry it was a great day nonetheless. Instead of lounging around I attended a cookout with some friends, studied (darn my incessant needs to be ahead) and watched the basketball game last night. So, overall it was a great day despite the original plan. And some of the best things are unplanned.
Now, on to the make-up!
Since I'm striving to become a freelance makeup artist there are a "few" things that I'll need in order to get the job done right. After much research and a lot of reading, I tailored from the knowledge I gained to create what I want in my kit. Yes, the list is a dozy but I promise they're all necessary.
Ok, let's get started!
Facial Wash- To prep the skin and make sure that it's clean (need to find an economical option to carry in my kit to serve clients the best)
Moisturizer-Cetaphil (great for sensitive skin), MAC Strobe Cream (dewy skin looks) and Dermalogica Oil Control Lotion (great for mattifying oily skin)
Toner-TBD (need to fig. out which is best for all skin tones)
Moisturizing Body Lotion-TBD
Monistat Chafing Gel- great alternative to Smashbox primer (but need to look into other options as well)
RCMA Palette- for liquid foundation options ( But also considering options from Cinema Secrets, Graftobian & Yaby at camerareadycosmetics.com)
Powder Foundation Options (need to do more research on what's available or whether or not I should even have it)
MUFE- 5 Camouflage Cream Palette( light, dark and corrective options)
Silica Powder- TKB Trading (cheaper than MUFE)
MAC- Mineral SkinFinish Naturals (about 4 to use on the range of possible skin tones)
Blush Palette- La Femme 12 Blush Palette (just to have a good starting point in terms of options)
Crème Blush Options- I just have a personal preference for them and might include them in the kit
Blushes- Blunt by MAC (darker skin-toned women), Strata by MAC ( lighter skin-toned women)
Countouring Palette- Coastal Scents
Liquid Bronzers- to mix in with foundations or moisturizers to create a luminous look
Powder Bronzers- more research needs to be done
Eye Primer- Urban Decay Primer Potion and various other color bases by NYX
Eye shadows- various options for colors from diff. companies but considering on ordering the neutral palette from coastalscents.com for bridal work
Eyeliners- gel eyeliners, pencil eye liners
False Eyelashes- various options
Mascara-three to four formula options (most likely drugstore brands)
Brow Fillers- most likely will use brown eye shadows to get the job done.
Vaseline-great primer for lips
Lipsticks- I've heard great things about NYX lipsticks and possibly looking into lip palettes as well
Ligloss-OCC Clear Lip Tar, and other basic colors
Lip Pencils- Urban Decay Lip Pencil in Ozone (great alternative to carrying a lot of various colors because its clear) but looking into possibly NYX lip pencils as I progress
Brush Belt- E.L.F (just as good as the one by M.A.C.)
Duo Fiber Brush- For applying foundation (I"m not to fond of traditional foundation brushes)
Powder Blush-various shapes and sizes
Blush/Contour Brushes- tapered, angled and rounded brush options
Buffer Brush- great to buff out overly intense colors
Eye shadow Brushes- lid application, crease brush, highlight (but of course I'll have various styles for ea.)
Angled Liner Brush
Straight Liner Brush
Dense Angled Liner Brush- for eyebrow color application
Disposable lipstick brushes
Disposable doe-foot lip wands
Disposable mascara wands
Brow brush and comb duo
Disposable cosmetic sponges
Concealer brush
Duo Surgical Adhesive for lashes
Disposable Spatulas
Pencil Sharpener
Eyelash Curler-She Uemera (expensive but nonetheless is an investment)
Cotton pads
Empty spray bottles
Isopropyl alcohol
Make-up Wipes
Eye Make-up remover
Cotton Swabs
Visine for Contacts
Hand Sanitizer
Mini-pack of Wet Ones
A Nail Kit
Nail File
Polish Remover
Cuticle Sticks
Hand Cream
Small Hand Towel
Business Cards
Hair clips-to move the hair out of the way
Robe for clientele to wear over clothing
Empty Palettes for Eyeshadows- Coastal Scents
Last but not Least…
A Train Case- I've been scoping out by the recommendation of Ren of MakeupbyRenRen who mentioned that Yazmo was a great place for traincases.
If I shop wisely I should have a "complete" kit in no time.
Ok, I'm through. Creating this list, although time consuming, was necessary because I can keep better track of what I need and it'll help me to be more conscious when shopping.
I've got my second interview to get ready for later and I'll be testing out a Dupe for M.A.C.'s luster drops along with a new duo fiber brush that I bought. I'll be sure to share my experience with the new purchases later on in the week.
Have a great Tuesday all!
XOXO & many blessings,
B. Pierre
P.S. Here are a list of the sites that I used to compile my personal list. These were great resources.
Look of the Week: Interview Ready

Check it out for yourself!
I always do it after my make-up.
base-UDPP followed by French Fries Jumbo Pencil by NYX
main lid-Hazelnut by Jane
crease-Brownie Points by Jane
highlight-the forementioned concelear by Maybelline followed by Champagne by Covergirl
eyeliner-Dark Brown by Jane
waterline-Zero by Urban Decay
mascara- Natural Defined Telescopic by L'oreal
brows-Wet 'n Wild Dark Brown Brow Set
moisturizer- Ponds Dry Skin Cream
primer- Monistat 7 Chafing Relief Powder Gel ( Smashbox Primer dupe)
concealer-Maybelline Mineral Power Natural Perfecting Concealer in Latte
foundation-Rich Mink by Covergirl Queen Collection
setting powder- Mineralized Skin Finish Natural by M.A.C in Deep Dark
blush-Taj Mahal by NARS
condititioner- good ol' vaseline
lipstick-Sellout by Urban Decay
lipgloss- a no-name clear gloss
And that completes the look.
As for the interview, it went well. I have a second round interview tomorrow. :-)
Well, have a great Memorial Day and enjoy all the cookouts! As for me, I'll use it for ultimate relaxation.
XOXO & many blessings,
B. Pierre
P.S. Quick Question: Is it a good idea to place a watermark over your photos? I just don't want my pics plastered elsewhere without my knowledge or proper attribution.
Kit Building 101: New Sephora's In Town
But that definitely changed last week. Sephora finally opened a full-fledged store. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to attend the official grand opening but I had the pleasure of visiting and playing around in what they had to offer. And pick up a few items too.
was unique with the mermaids--very aquatic.

I have read that Sephora's are usually unkempt but
being that this was freshly opened.
I had the pleasure of being the first to
swatch some of the colors.

Pure delight!

And one of the things I swatched was one of the latest Smashbox products.
I was delightfully surprised by the color payoff. The most raved about items are their primers, which I've yet to try. So swatching the shadows and liking them was highly unexpected.

like this & there it was ready to be
purchased. It was meant to be!
to try. I'm getting into lips and trying to
perfect certain techniques at the moment.
Sure, I still have to travel to Orlando or Jacksonville for a M.A.C store and other treasures but this is definitely a step in the right direction.
Make the best of your Wednesday!
XOXO and many blessings,
B. Pierre
Clientele Highlight: Sk8r Gurl

Eyeshadow Bases: UDPP, followed by NYX Jumbo Pencil in Milk
Eyeliner: Black Gel Liner by Jane
Foundation: MAC- I forgot but it's TBU ( To Be Updated)
Bronzer: Fiji by Jane
Blush:Ambering Rose by M.A.C.
Lips: a no-name red-tinted gloss from a KISS lipgloss palette
-Since I didn't do a consultation with her, I hadn't had enough time to prepare. But I took it all in stride and I think I handled it really well.
-I really want the client to be happy with the work. So I'm sure to ask for their opinion and any specific elements they want added or subtracted. Because in they end I want them to be happy with the look I gave them.
-My collection is still in the growing stage. So I had to use her own foundation to give her the look. I'm still researching foundation options. Even though I hear great things about M.A.C and MUFE, it's not so pocket-friendly to add a whole set of foundation options to my kit.
But overall, it was a pleasure to work with her. And at the same time have work to add to my portfolio, which I'm still deciding how best to put it together. But I'll be posting on that on a later date.
Look of the Week: Purple Passion
And I thought it'd be appropriate to kick things off with the look in my profile picture.

My face looks better in the second picture because it was taken at the beginning of my night while the first picture was taken at the end.
The look was really simple and easy to create.
Chairs Galore!
Initially I wanted just to pick up something like the options above for all use whether I'm doing make-up at home or on-location. I'm gravitating to the IKEA option, initially because of price. I can purchase two and still come out cheaper than buying the other sets. Also the higher back that it provides for the comfort of the client gives it a thumbs up in my book.
But below are examples that I'm also looking to purchase later as a permanent in-home option. Financially, I'll make do with collapsible bar stool and then upgrade to purchasing one of the air lift stools.
Most likely the purchase for the initial bar stool will be made by the end of the month.
Look out for my next post I'll fill you in my woes and joys of graduation weekend. Business really has been picking up and I'm creating a buzz in my circle. So I'm highly optimistic that this summer for KissyFace Artistry will be on the up and up. I even plan to head to over to my local Small Business Development Center Office to make things a bit more official, get some information on being an entrepreneur and to be on the up and up on what my options are. I'll keep you posted on that too.