Witness my trials and tribulations of becoming a make-up artist, sharing what I learn/experience and see how I am building KissyFace Artistry.
KissyFace TV| Chocolate Face
Here's the video as promised for this look I posted this morning.
Enjoy the rest of your Saturday!
Much Love & Many Blessings,
B. Pierre
Haitian Heritage Month| Chocolat
Morning Lovelies,
Better late than never, right?
Or according to Mr. Drake, "Never late is better."
Well regardless of what stance you take, I wanted to share with you a few more looks that was supposed to go in my Haitian Heritage Month Series posts for May. Now I know that we're in the end of June but I still wanted to share the looks regardless.
This particular look turned out to be a favorite one that I wore multiple times after creating the look and I even used it for a wedding that I did makeup for earlier this month. It's a natural look but it still shines in it's own right.
Camera Down in KissyFace Town
Morning Lovelies,
Yep, as the title of the posts reads my camera is having, shall I say, a moment. It's having some issues with "memory card error" problems. Whatever that means. I've tried multiple memory cards in the camera but it keeps saying the same thing so it has to be the camera. =(

I'm doing some research as to how to fix it or what can I do.
I won't let it get in the way of my regular postings. I'll just have to get creative with it. If there's one thing I've learned over the past few years is to keep on going no matter what. Obstacles and circumstances may come to slow you down they should NEVER stop you.
Thankfully I have some pictures and videos that I've already taken for the some posts and hopefully next week my camera will will be back in working order.
And tomorrow's post will be the official beginning to my Foundations Beauty 101 Series. Looking forward to getting that in full swing. =)
Have an awesome day, lovelies.
the last picture I took with my camera and it came out blurry. lol It's a flowe. |
I'll be posting my a few more posts alter on today as well. =)
XOXO & Many Blessings,
B. Pierre
KissyFace TV| Interview Pretty Makeup Look
Afternoon again Lovelies,
Here's the tutorial as promised from today's earlier post!
Enjoy! If you have any questions don't hesitate to task. I love answering questions! =)
Much love & Many Blessings,
B. Pierre
Face of the Day | Interview Pretty
This past Friday I had an interview for a position. It was my first real interview out of college so I wanted to do it up right but in an approporate tasteful manner. When it comes to wearing makeup for an interview or in a professional setting it's important that what you are wearing isn't what people are focused on. It may catch their attention for how well it looks but it never should be a distraction.
I'm Flattered: The Adorable Blog Award
Third post today! =)
Less than two week ago, my friend over at WLJ Thoughts awarded me with th adorable blog award. I was truly flattered. It's nice to recognized for trying to make things happen. Things may not always go as planned but progress is being made in my little world.
And the rules of the tag are a fun way to learn about people so on with the post, shall we?
The rules for this award are:
Third post today! =)
Less than two week ago, my friend over at WLJ Thoughts awarded me with th adorable blog award. I was truly flattered. It's nice to recognized for trying to make things happen. Things may not always go as planned but progress is being made in my little world.
And the rules of the tag are a fun way to learn about people so on with the post, shall we?
The rules for this award are:
- Thank the person who gave you this award, and link back to them in your post.
- Tell us 10 things about yourself.
- Nominate your bloggers.
- Contact these bloggers, and let them know they received this award.
My 10 little tidbits:
1. I'm the oldest of three
2. My favorite fruit is pineapple
3. I sing soprano
4. I'm a sucker for carbs
5. I love chocolates especially with almonds
6. Purple is my favorite color
7. I LOVE writing
8. I'm hard-headed and very opinionated
9. One day I WILL go to Paris
10. I'm planning on getting my esthetician's license in the Fall or Spring
So my bloggers of choice are those whose post make me smile. I don't comment as often as I should but I always look forward to checking up on their next post.
So I'm nominating:
Jacque and her blog Dope Fiends: Her fashion posts are adorable. I love her sense of fashion. It's girly but not excessive. And she's always rocking some cute oxfords.
Emmanuel Gamor and his blog "A Picture's Meaning Can Express Ten Thousand Words": I truly enjoy his take on photography. I have a lot of friends who are photographers and each of their perspectives are unique. When i look at his pictures, it's like I can see the emotion behind them. If that makes sense.
Jen and her blog Comme Coco: This is another awesome fashion blog. Her style is so effortless and just clean similar to how I like to dress. And she's a beauty. Plus she's Haitian too! =)
Monique from Yes, Diva's Can Cook: I'm a foodie too. Fashion and food just like makeup makes my heart smile. I love how in her videos she's so down to earth. And I love her personality. Her food is amazing and she gives some great tips on relationships. I know that when I get my husband, I'll know how to treat him right! ;-) lol
Looking forward to reading your posts and learn some new things about you all too!
Much Love & Many Blessings,
B. Pierre
P.S. I'm still working on fixing this layout. o_O Bear with me. =)
KissyFace TV| Mango Madness
And as promised the corresponding tutorial from this morning's post!
Oh. There are bloopers at the end too. I get tongue tied so easily. SMH But I can laugh at myself and get on with it. =)
Much Love & Many Blessings,
B. Pierre
Haitian Heritage Month| Mango Madness
Hope your weekend was amazing. This morning I'm sharing with you the
second installment to my Haitian Heritage Month Makeup Tutorial Series.
Last week, I showed you a look dedicated to Haitian Flag Day. The follow-up looks I have planned are centered around food, which makes sense. Food is one of the many things that define culture. And mangoes is just one of them for us.
I really wanted to capture the colors and make it vibrant and appealing at the same time.
As a kid, I could remember enjoying this tropical fruit every summer. Even though it's not necessarily a fruit that is exclusively from Haiti, it's a fruit that was prominent in my family. If you've never tried one, I defintely recommend that you do.
KissyFace TV| Haitian Flag Day Beauty Tutorial
Evening Lovelies,
Here's the look I corresponding video tutorial I promised from the post earlier this afternoon.
It was really fun creating this look. I'm looking forward to sharing more looks with you for this series!
Much Love & Many Blessings,
B. Pierre
Haitian Heritage Month| Haitian Flag Day Tutorial
Afternoon Lovelies,
As I mentioned before, I was planning on doing some looks to celebrate Haitian Heritage Month. And here's the first one. I'm of Haitian descent and I'm more than enthused to share these looks that I have planned.
Today actually marks Haitian Flag Day, so it's a perfect way to kick start this series of looks for the rest of the month!
The look I created isn't neccessarily a direct representation of the dominant colors. I wanted to do something untraditional and take a different approach. I decided to focus on the colors more on the inside of the white box choosing to focus on the colors of yellow and green.
And when I finished the look the yellow and green reminded me of plantains that I used to eat all the time as a kid. LOL So this look was in dedication to the food as well.
Below are a list of the featured products for this look
Lid| Honey ( Urban Decay)
Crease| Hard Luck ( Kat Von D) & Grafitti ( Urban Decay)
Below Brow Bone| Lime Alive ( Covergirl) and random green and gold eyeshadow Color: 01 ( Giovi, beauty supply store brand)
Highlight| Skin ( NYX) mixed with the highlight color from an Almay brown eyes trio palette
Lower Lashline| (outside to inside) Red for Dangerzone trio, Deep Truth ( MAC Colors)
Waterline and Upper Lashline| Black Gel Liner by Black Radiance
Mascara| Lash Stilletto in Very Black ( Maybelline) followed by Telescopic in Carbon Black ( Loreal)
Concealer| 8002 ( Black Radiance)
Powder| MAC Mineralized SkinFinish in Deep Dark
Cheeks | Red-Orange Pigment ( MAC)
Highlight| Skin ( NYX) mixed with the highlight color from an Almay brown eyes trio palette
Lower Lashline| (outside to inside) Red for Dangerzone trio, Deep Truth ( MAC Colors)
Waterline and Upper Lashline| Black Gel Liner by Black Radiance
Mascara| Lash Stilletto in Very Black ( Maybelline) followed by Telescopic in Carbon Black ( Loreal)
Concealer| 8002 ( Black Radiance)
Powder| MAC Mineralized SkinFinish in Deep Dark
Cheeks | Red-Orange Pigment ( MAC)
Lip Liner| Chestnut ( M.A.C. )
Lipstick | Soft Nude ( Revlon)
Lipgloss| Clear LipGlass( M.A.C.)
Lipgloss| Clear LipGlass( M.A.C.)
Have an awesome end to your day, lovelies.
I'll also be posting a video tutorial for this look as well later this evening.
Much love & Many Blessings,
B. Pierre
Behind the Scenes: An Evening Photo Shoot with Mr. Three Bear
Lovely Saturday Morning Lovelies,
This post was supposed to go out yesterday morning but we all know the fiasco that Blogger has been going through for the past few days, But now that it's cleared up, here's the video I promised from the previous post.
Have a beautiful Saturday. Make the most of what's presented to you today. And enjoy the rest of your weekend.
Much Love & Many Blessing,
B. Pierre
This post was supposed to go out yesterday morning but we all know the fiasco that Blogger has been going through for the past few days, But now that it's cleared up, here's the video I promised from the previous post.
Have a beautiful Saturday. Make the most of what's presented to you today. And enjoy the rest of your weekend.
Much Love & Many Blessing,
B. Pierre
Photoshoot: An Evening with Mr. Three Bear
Morning Lovelies!
About two weeks ago, I had the pleasure of doing makeup for a photoshoot. The photographer wanted to shoot somewhere with horses and we came across a local stable that was willing to help us out with the shoot.
For one Saturday evening we had the pleasure of working with a horse by the name of Mr. Three Bear.
We went with a very natural makeup look here. It was a new experience for me since I've never been so close to horses, well not that I remember anyway. Here are a couple of shoots from the day.
Tomorrow, I'll be uploading a behind the scenes video for our trip that day.
Much Love & Many Blessings,
We went with a very natural makeup look here. It was a new experience for me since I've never been so close to horses, well not that I remember anyway. Here are a couple of shoots from the day.
Photographer: Ed Maximus
Model: Sheina Mompremier
Much Love & Many Blessings,
B. Pierre
Beauty 101: Shades, Tones and Tints
Happy Tuesday Morning Lovelies,
Even though school is out my "real" education is just beginning or shall I say is recommencing. I mentioned in a previous post as to how I forgot what the focus of my blog was and that I really want to get back to that. One of the most important thing to my blog was sharing what I've been learning. And I haven't been doing that. Now with school out of the way, I can really pour my energy into studying beauty. I'm so excited. When I dive in? I DIVE IN. So be prepared for the overload.
And to start things off, we're going to start with foundation. I really want to dedicate this summer to foundation. One post a week will be dedicated to that topic. There's so much I don't know and that needs to be remedied immediately. So why not share, right? I've got other ideas looming in my head for the blog too but I've got to map it out. =)
I really want to perfect my foundation application skills and truly be able to match a woman's skin tone beautifully. In the past I've been fine to mix colors but not necessarily take on this higher skilled approach from this video I'm presenting to you.
Thanks to Koren of EnkoreMakeup, I came away with these three new vocabulary words:
Tint= Color + White
Tone= Color + Grey
Shade= Color + Black
And I definitely need to get a color wheel ASAP.
Looking forward to sharing with you what I learn as I partake on this journey. So far so good, right?
This post was just a kickoff sharing my excitement as to what I'm already learning. But next week, I want to focus on moisturizers then primers because essentially that what a good foundation starts off with, which are those key steps.
Is there anything in particular you want to learn about foundation? Foundation tips you want to share? Comment down below. I'd love to read what you know or desire to know. We can all learn together
Much Love & Many Blessings,
B. Pierre
P.S. Do not sleep on Youtube. People are sharing some awesome information.
KissyFace TV| Picture Perfect Graduation
Morning Lovelies,
One week ago today, I had the pleasure of graduatig and taking pictures to commemorate the occasion.
Here's the look I created for the pictures I was taking. I don't have edited pictures yet but I'll be sure to post them when I get them.
KissyFace TV | Claudia Stevens Facial Prep Foundation Base Video Review
Here's the video I mentioned before.
I'm getting a little more comfortable with the camera so more of my sarcastic, goofy personality is coming through, which I'm happy about. It'll only be a matter of time till I get rid of my ummmms too.
Enjoy the rest of your day!
Much Love & Many Blessings,
B. Pierre
I'm getting a little more comfortable with the camera so more of my sarcastic, goofy personality is coming through, which I'm happy about. It'll only be a matter of time till I get rid of my ummmms too.
Enjoy the rest of your day!
Much Love & Many Blessings,
B. Pierre
KissyFace Approved? | Claudia Stevens Facial Prep Foundation Base
Happy Thursday,
Back for my final review this week, which is the Claudia Stevens Facial Prep Foundation Base. I've used Claudia Stevens in the past before and th experience was quite favorable.
KissyFace Approved? | Equate Naturally Beaming Daily Moisturizer
In my skincare post, I mentioned that I was looking for a new moisturizer and just in the last week, I found something that suited my needs.
Originally I was looking for a gel-like moisturizer but this one caught my eye while browsing in the skincare aisle.
Originally I was looking for a gel-like moisturizer but this one caught my eye while browsing in the skincare aisle.
Celebrations | Haitian Heritage Month

So appropriately, with this being Haitian Heritage Month, I'm going to be sharing a few looks that will be inspired by some pictures that I can dig up. A lot of these looks aren't neccessarily going to be "wearable" but it's all in fun and in celebration of what's molded me to be the woman that I am.
Hope you guys like what I come up with. =)
Much Love & Many Blessings,
B. Pierre
KissyFace Approved? | Black Radiance Concealer
Yesterday I uploaded my review on all the products that I had purchased from Black Radiance and shared with you a more in-depth review as to what I particularly thought about the foundations which I was pleased with immensely.
KissyFace TV| Black Radiance Products
Evening Lovelies,
Here's the video review as promised on the Black Radiance products I've tried. Hope you like and be sure to comment, thumbs up and subscribe if you haven't already.
Much Love & Many Blessings,
B. Pierre
KissyFace Approved?| Black Radiance Foundations
It looks like I'm on a KissyFace Approved? blog rampage. I've got a few more things that I want to share with you all. I've made a few purchases recently and I want to get in the habit of giving you my opinions on products and sharing my thoughts with you on them.
About two weeks ago, I had a photo shoot that I had needed some products for. I didn't want to spend too much money but I wanted something of good quality. Plus I wanted something that are women of color friendly so I choose to try Black Radiance at Walmart.
I had been curious about what they had to offer in the past so I thought it was good timing to try them out. I ended picking up five items. Some were hits others were misses.
KissyFace Approved? |Nivea: A Kiss of Smoothness
Evening Lovelies!
I'm back with another review post, like I mentioned in my previous posts, right up there with mascaras, lipgloss/ lip balms were my favorite makeup products too. Even today I have a small pouch of various lip products that I carry with me at all times.
I'm back with another review post, like I mentioned in my previous posts, right up there with mascaras, lipgloss/ lip balms were my favorite makeup products too. Even today I have a small pouch of various lip products that I carry with me at all times.
Start Fresh, Shall We?

Hope your in high spirits today.
I wanted to come to you all on a more personal note. Don't worry, it has everything to do with KissyFace but it's not a typical post that I do for the most part but it's something that I feel that I needed to address. I'm just wanting to be transparent.
When I started this blog it was supposed to be a "diary," an account of me building KissyFace as a business, growing/expanding my skills, sharing my ups and downs that and sharing what I learn with those who happened to fall upon my site with a passion or interest for beauty and makeup.
For goodness sake, my blog description said it all, "witness my trials and tribulations of becoming a makeup artist and follow the progress of my building my dreams."
Clearly that wasn't enough of a reminder because along the way, I lost sight of that. I can't necessarily pinpoint when that happened but it did.
Not to drag out the post anymore, I just wanted to share that things are now in a proper perspective because I've made that realization and I'm now back on track. My vision and actions with my space here are now realigned with what I originally intended.
Thanks for being faithful as you've been to my little piece in this vast blogosphere. It's truly appreciated.
I couldn't necessarily pinpoint what I was missing and why my blog wasn't as much of a priority as it used to be when I first started but thankfully I figured it out.
My vision is clear and I've got my direction back. I'm looking forward to what's ahead and what I'll be sharing on here.
Love you all,
B. Pierre
P.S. Look out for a more streamlined look to the blog for now-- taking a few steps back in order to take a few steps forward. Plus, I royally screwed up my current template so it's an opportunity to change things. =)
KissyFace Approved?| L'oreal Telescopic Mascara in Carbon Black
Morning Lovelies,
I'm back with another "KissyFace Approved?" post. When I was younger my go-to makeup picks were lip gloss, eyeliner and mascara. I just loved the effects that these three little things had on my face. But more in particular I was obsessed with mascara. With all the various kinds available, promising different things, I just couldn't get enough of them. I was always trying to find and explore the options that were available.
And today is no different.
I purchased this a few weeks ago from Wal-mart. Unfortunately, I didn't keep the receipt to give you a price but it was fairly inexpensive.
When I popped open the tube, the brush was already making this look to be something promising.
Because I have small eyes, I knew that this would be perfect to really catch all of my hairs and really allow me to get in on my lashes in order to get the full benefit of the mascara. The "bristles" are more like plastic teeth instead of the traditional bristles of a mascara.
So to truly give this mascara a go, I applied it in layers in order to see how far it could go. Here are what my lashes look like sans mascara.
It's nothing to get too exited about but they're mine. LOL But as you can see I can use the help of mascara to bring my lashes to life.
On the first application, I was pretty amazed. The carbon black really helped my lashes to pop in comparison to them in their natural state.
I had no clumping and the lashes are separated which I really like. Nothing like seeing clumpy lashes. That really makes me gag. SMH But I didn't really gain that much length, which is something I'm always looking for in a mascara more than anything else.
But it was on the second application that it really delivered on length.
It's like night and day between the first and second application. The lashes are still separated and nothing else is amiss either.
Same satisfied story. Because of the teeth I'm able to really comb through the lashes and prevent them from clumping. Had it been a traditional brush, I might have ran into a clumping disaster by the third application. It just kept getting better and better on each go-around.
And now the question stands, is it KissyFace Approved?
Well, if you couldn't tell the answer is YES! It's become my go to mascara. I love what it does for my lashes. The carbon black and the bristles made this a favorite for me. So, this will definitely stay in rotation.
Do you lovelies have a mascara of choice? Brands you recommend?
Let me know I'd love to explore even further.
Till the next post!
Much Love & Many Blessings,
B. Pierre
I'm back with another "KissyFace Approved?" post. When I was younger my go-to makeup picks were lip gloss, eyeliner and mascara. I just loved the effects that these three little things had on my face. But more in particular I was obsessed with mascara. With all the various kinds available, promising different things, I just couldn't get enough of them. I was always trying to find and explore the options that were available.
And today is no different.
I purchased this a few weeks ago from Wal-mart. Unfortunately, I didn't keep the receipt to give you a price but it was fairly inexpensive.
When I popped open the tube, the brush was already making this look to be something promising.
Because I have small eyes, I knew that this would be perfect to really catch all of my hairs and really allow me to get in on my lashes in order to get the full benefit of the mascara. The "bristles" are more like plastic teeth instead of the traditional bristles of a mascara.
So to truly give this mascara a go, I applied it in layers in order to see how far it could go. Here are what my lashes look like sans mascara.
It's nothing to get too exited about but they're mine. LOL But as you can see I can use the help of mascara to bring my lashes to life.
On the first application, I was pretty amazed. The carbon black really helped my lashes to pop in comparison to them in their natural state.
I had no clumping and the lashes are separated which I really like. Nothing like seeing clumpy lashes. That really makes me gag. SMH But I didn't really gain that much length, which is something I'm always looking for in a mascara more than anything else.
But it was on the second application that it really delivered on length.
It's like night and day between the first and second application. The lashes are still separated and nothing else is amiss either.
And because things were going so well, I attempted at a third application. It wouldn't hurt right?
Same satisfied story. Because of the teeth I'm able to really comb through the lashes and prevent them from clumping. Had it been a traditional brush, I might have ran into a clumping disaster by the third application. It just kept getting better and better on each go-around.
And now the question stands, is it KissyFace Approved?
Well, if you couldn't tell the answer is YES! It's become my go to mascara. I love what it does for my lashes. The carbon black and the bristles made this a favorite for me. So, this will definitely stay in rotation.
Do you lovelies have a mascara of choice? Brands you recommend?
Let me know I'd love to explore even further.
Till the next post!
Much Love & Many Blessings,
B. Pierre
FTC Disclosure: L'oreal had no in on this review. It's all me. Mascara was purchased with my dollars. =)
Skincare Regime
Happy Friday!
I wanted to share with you all what I'm currently using for my skincare regime. I have normal to dry skin so these recommendations may be best suited for you if you similar to me.
I use one of two cleansers and they both are from Aveeno. When I wear makeup, at the end of the night I reach for Aveeno's Makeup Remover Cleanser. It effectively removes my makeup while cleaning my skin. I used to try using just a regular cleanser to remove my makeup and finally saw the light when I tried this beauty right here.
With one pump, I wash my face. The cleanser comes out as a foam so it's really light but it gets the job done.
There are days when I don't wear makeup and I skip to my using my regular cleanser, the Aveeno Positively Radiant Cleanser. It barely lathers up at all but that's not necessarily what I'm interested in.
I got it mainly because of it's promises to " bring out [my] skin's natural radiance" and " helps [to] even out [my] skin tone and texture." Dry skin tends to get a little dull and always being out in the sun, in Florida I need any help I can get to maintain and protect my complexion and really show off my skin at it's best.
Everyone needs a good scrub. In fact, I have two. I use them in an alternating sequence.
Even though the Aveeno Skin Brightening is a daily scrub, I more so use it every other day. It's not too abrasive. The scrubbing granules are really fine and doesn't scratch my skin too bad, which is why it's safe enough for everyday use but I just choose not to.
Now when I feel like my skin is not at its best, or it's not as smooth as I'd like it to be, I skip my Aveeno scrub altogether and use my Neutrogena Deep Clean Invigorating Foaming Scrub. This is a true scrub through and through. I love the smell and it get's the job done. I definitely don't recommend using this on an everyday basis because, of how abrasive and large the microbeads are.
I only have one at the moment and it's on the heavy side. It's perfect for the fall/winter season. It's thick consistency holds up to the weather. I've been using it for years and it hasn't failed me yet. A little does go a long way, I literally just dot it on my face and blend out. I used to over use it and ended up looking greasy. SMH.
But because I've learned better, I finally figured out to use less. Over time my skin has normalized and I'm using less of it because of it. When it comes to the spring/ summer, I sparingly put it on my face to moisturize my skin. Currently I'm looking for a gel-based moisturizer that I can switch to for this current season and the next so it'll be my lighter alternative to what I currently use.
And that's rounds up my routine.
I even recorded myself talking about my routine. I was so sleepy when I recorded this. SMH There's bloopers at the end. Enjoy!
Have an amazing weekend.
Much Love & Many Blessings,
B. Pierre
FTC Disclosure: All the products mentioned were purchased on my own and I wasn't compensated in any way.
Spring | Bring On the Bright!
Hi Lovelies,
To usher in the spring appropriately, I chose to go with a super bright and load look to kick off the season. This look was inspired by a blog post that I read a few weeks ago on Fashion Bomb Daily. I absolutely fell in love with it and had to try it.
Spring is one my favorite seasons and this was my attempt at celebrating it.
So on with the tutorial!
And a couple pics too.
without flash
with flash
snapshot from the video
Listed below are the products that I used:
Base| Hot Pink & Yellow ( NYX Cosmetics)
Lid| Incredible Bee (Facefront Cosmetics) & Sunset ( NYX)
Crease| Little Gremlin ( Facefront Cosmetics)
Highlight| **add in later**
Lower Lashline| Incredible Bee ( Facefront Cosmetics) & Graffiti ( Urban Decay)
Upper Lashline| Yellow (NYX) topped off by Sunset ( NYX)
Mascara| Carbon Black Telescopic (L'oreal)
Undereye Concealer| MAC NW45
Powder| MAC Mineralized SkinFinish in Deep Dark
Cheeks | Red-Orange Pigment ( M.A.C.)
Lipliner| Chestnut ( M.A.C.)
Lipstick| Fresh Brew ( M.A.C.)
Lipgloss| Savory ( H.I.P. by L'oreal)
Enjoy the rest of your Wednesday night!
Much Love & Many Blessings,
B. Pierre
Lid| Incredible Bee (Facefront Cosmetics) & Sunset ( NYX)
Crease| Little Gremlin ( Facefront Cosmetics)
Highlight| **add in later**
Lower Lashline| Incredible Bee ( Facefront Cosmetics) & Graffiti ( Urban Decay)
Upper Lashline| Yellow (NYX) topped off by Sunset ( NYX)
Mascara| Carbon Black Telescopic (L'oreal)
Undereye Concealer| MAC NW45
Powder| MAC Mineralized SkinFinish in Deep Dark
Cheeks | Red-Orange Pigment ( M.A.C.)
Lipliner| Chestnut ( M.A.C.)
Lipstick| Fresh Brew ( M.A.C.)
Lipgloss| Savory ( H.I.P. by L'oreal)
Enjoy the rest of your Wednesday night!
Much Love & Many Blessings,
B. Pierre
KissyFace Approved? | Claudia Stevens Eye Prep Lid Primer
Hope everyone's Valentine's Day was a great one. As for me I took it upon myself to get done up and go ab out my day. =)

Image via Wikipedia
Well, this past week, I took it upon myself to try a new primer. As much as I love Urban Decay Shadow Primer, I'm always up for trying something different and see what's less expensive. While at Sally's I came across this:
It peaked my interest and took a chance on it. For less than $4.77 ( with tax) it was worth a try.
On the box, it promises to "create a perfect base for eyeshadow," and "increase wear and prevents color fade."
When I first opened it, I liked the fact that the 0.39 oz of product was in a squeeze tube. It lends itself to allowing the product to be easily accessible.
I also liked the sponge-tip applicator. It minimizes being abrasive on the eye if you decide to use the applicator to swipe across your eyelid.
And it wasn't a hassle when I was squeezing it out of the tube.
I tried it on my hand. You can see here that it leaves a cast on my skin. The box claims it'd be acceptable to be worn alone for a perfect natural look but clearly, that's more in reference to lighter skin females. When I smoothed it on, the texture felt quite velvety. A little too velvety for my taste. Comparing it to Urban Decay Primer Potion, which is tacky, this one felt soft and really smooth.
In order for the eyeshadow to stick, instantly I thought this formula wouldn't be conducive to long-wear since it had no "stick" factor. So I was a bit concerned as to how effective it would be in doing its job.
I tried it over a period two days in the the typical fashion that I use primers. When applying it across my lid, I ran into no problems. And I followed to color it with my NYX jumbo pencil color for whatever look I was going for.
First Use
Sunday, I went through a range of temperatures, freezing cold in the morning, to some heat at church. So it had been about seven hours past when I checked my eye make-up. It had creased on my. Now, mind you I had some makeup meltdown on other parts of my face, so I still hadn't considered it a complete fail.
Second Use
Yesterday, I wore it and the temperature was perfect. I wore it approximately 14 hours and it didn't budge! The same way I left that morning was how it stayed later on that night. So I was more than pleased with the outcome.
KissyFace Approved? Yes!
Now I will say that it's best in fair weather. It's a good alternate to the UDPP in my opinion. But I know when it comes to an extremely hot day, this wouldn't be my go-to pick. But because of the price point, its squeeze application and it's general effectiveness, it's worth purchasing.
So, if you ever get a chance to swing my Sally's Beauty Supply, this is something definitely worth trying.
Much Love & Many Blessings,
B. Pierre
FTC Disclosure: This was purchased with my own funds. It was not given to
me for consideration by the manufacture
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